Seize The Brain

We were in the midst of great leadership. Our Eagle team decided to invite children along with family members who are involved in a community, after-school tutoring and mentoring program to attend our Christmas party. We had a delicious meal and door prizes. We were awed by the magic and illusion of a professional magician. It was such a fun evening that it would have been easy to miss the greatness. But when I took a closer look I saw them. Adult tutors and mentors had given their time, energy and talents to support and teach these precious children.

I noticed the looks, the nods, the words of encouragement from these leaders to the children. I saw the results of the hard work from the adults and children. I witnessed the excellent behavior and show of gratitude from these children. These things do not happen by accident or osmosis. They occur because of the intentional investment from adults who care.

The adult volunteers had only one agenda…providing selfless love and much needed opportunities for the children in their care. This is what great leadership looks like. It is about serving. It is about giving to others. It is about authentic care for those you lead. Thank you Seize The Brain leaders for all you are doing. You are making a difference!



The Day My World Stopped


Take A Step Back