Take A Step Back

Meet Ann. If there is anyone who is on her game it's Ann. She is the Executive Professional who supports the CEO of a large corporation. That's why I was not surprised to see her getting ahead of the holiday season and putting up the office Christmas tree in November. She was personally engaged in putting the ribbons, ornaments and other decorations on the tree.  As I passed by, I made a comment on how pretty the tree was looking. She said, "I'm not sure, but I will get back with you". "That is a strange comment,” I thought. 

Later in the day,  I passed by again and Ann was standing away from the tree assessing her work. She said, "You can't see what the tree really looks like until you take a step back and look at the whole picture,” and then she said, "and that is true in life as well. Sometimes you just need to take a step back in order to see things in the proper perspective.” 

Taking a step back is harder than it seems. Many times we hide the true picture of our selves in the busyness of life. It takes discipline to slow down in order to gain perspective.

As we enter into the last month of 2019, let's take Ann's advice. Carve out some time to take a step back and assess your life. Take an honest look at your self, your relationships and your ambitions. Try to take an honest assessment of your life. Then determine in what areas do you need to grow?

Choose to allow yourself to gain a new perspective by taking a step back. When you do, it will make a difference. 



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