The Day My World Stopped

I was in the middle of yet another busy week.  I was on the phone with Tony who owns a local auto body shop. I told him my son had an accident and was giving him the details of the damage. He asked if my son was ok and I said yes, there were no injuries. 

What Tony said next caused my world to stop. 

"Can I tell you something?" he asked. “Several years ago my son, who was the exact age of yours, had an auto accident and he didn’t survive.” He continued, “That car you are stressing over is just metal with no meaning. The holidays will never be the same for me. I miss my son every day. I can fix your car, but please go love on your son." 

In this whirlwind of life, it is incredibly easy to get focused on the things that have no meaning. We stress over tasks that really don't matter and allow the fast pace of this season to rob us of meaningful conversations and investment of time in the ones who do matter. 

Stop. Reach out to the one or ones you care about. Tell them, talk to them, demonstrate your love to them.

Listen to Tony. Choose to make a difference in the lives of those you love. Do it. Now. 



Here We Are... Again!


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