I don’t care.

He looked at me and said, “I don’t care”. My friend and I were discussing things that were very important to him, but as we talked, he would call out things things that came up that just did not matter to him. He went on to say, “I can’t care about things that are not a priority. If I care about everything, I then can focus on nothing.

It seems counterintuitive, but not caring can actually be good or even essential to setting priorities and following through with them. If we make everything important, then we deplete our energy and ability to focus on the truly significant things in our lives.

Someone told me that he defined the top three priorities in his life. He then wrote them down and put them in a place that he could see every day. Whenever he made a decision about his life, he would first ask how that decision would affect those three top priorities. Those vital three things drove every decision he made. He said it helped him to prioritize his life and not stress about things that just truly didn’t affect those three things.

We have access to more information than ever before. Choosing what to spend our energy on will determine our ability to live and lead successfully.

Thanks, Joe, for the wisdom of saying “I don’t care,” about things that steal our ability to care about what really matters. Choose to set priorities for your life, and you will make a difference.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
2023 Wrap-Up: It's Time To Reflect

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