The Other Mary

When we talk about Mary this time of year, many of us think of the Christian faith and the mother of Jesus. I want to introduce you to another Mary. By all accounts, this Mary had a difficult life. She was an elderly woman living alone. Recently blind and in failing health, she was frequently taken advantage of by others — possibly even by her own family. Mary grew up in the rural South, and as a black woman, she was often a victim of racism and discrimination. Mary’s life had not been easy, and her old age was no exception.

My wife Mel had the privilege of getting to know Mary and becoming her friend over the last few years. She would help her pay her bills and read her mail, the kind of chores that had become incredibly difficult for Mary as her health and vision failed. If there was anyone who had the right to feel bitter and to complain about her hardships, it was Mary… and yet every time Mel talked to her, Mary was gracious and caring. She was grateful for every kind word or deed given to her. She was often so overwhelmed by gratitude that it would bring her to tears. “Please don’t cry, I’m here with you,” Mel would say, and Mary would nod and smile and hold her hand, tears still flowing. She would consistently ask about our family and developed a love for them. Never mind that she had not met them in person. She didn’t need to. Mary loved unconditionally.

Mary didn’t have good health, she didn’t have close family to support her, she didn’t have resources or money or even her eyesight, but she did have one thing in spades… Mary had love to give. She loved others generously and enormously. She loved with the love of Jesus, and it spilled over onto the people around her.

Now Mary can see again, and she is no longer in pain. She went to heaven a few days ago. She got there just in time to celebrate the birth of the one she loved so much, Jesus.

I want to ask you to think about the people in your life who may be going into this holiday season feeling isolated and alone. Reach out to them, and let them know they’re on your mind. Knowing they aren’t forgotten may be the best gift they receive this year.

Mel told me that she had never encountered anyone who demonstrated a more Christ-like attitude than her friend Mary. This season, our family will celebrate the birth of a baby from a woman named Mary. His name is Jesus. And we’ll also remember and celebrate the legacy of another woman with the same name, another Mary who lived a life of love, just as she was commanded by that baby born so long ago.

Mary, did you know, that you truly made a difference in our lives?

Merry Christmas,

Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Crossing the Line - The Rest of the Story

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