
Diversity. What just came to your mind when you read that word? It’s easy to forget that diversity is the backbone of our nation of immigrants. We are a melting pot of people who come from a range of ethnicities, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds. We know that our differences expand our opportunities and deepen our understanding. We know that when we stand together, our differences make us stronger.

We also know that when we allow our differences to polarize us, we become weak and ineffective. And yet, so many of us still choose to view people who are different with apprehension, fear, and even hostility. In today's world, especially through the lens of social media, we see people with suspicion and blatant disregard for differing views. The danger this poses to not only our country but to our relationships with people in our own communities and even families cannot be overstated.

This week, we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a Federal holiday. This holiday was signed into law in 1983 by President Ronald Reagan. It reminds us that despite our differences, we are all equally valuable and worthy of respect. It serves as a poignant reminder to reflect on the power of human dignity and its role in shaping a more just and compassionate society.

It gives us an opportunity to do better.

Let’s put the politics and agenda-driven behavior aside and focus on the strength of our nation — our ability to celebrate our diversity even while we stand together.

We are a nation of differences. That is our strength. Our willingness to lock arms with people who are different from us helps to make this country great. It encourages communities to flourish and relationships to deepen.

Choose to put aside fear and arrogance and demonstrate respect for those who look, think, act, and believe differently than you. When we understand and celebrate diversity, we will make a difference.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
2023 Wrap-Up: It's Time To Reflect

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