True Colors

I was talking with an entrepreneur recently who was struggling with a business relationship. It seemed that she found herself working with a narcissist. He had the classic, “I’m more important than anyone and I will always win“ attitude. She was trying to find a win/win solution for their business dealings. He was only interested in a win for him. 

When we enter relationships with only winning in mind we show our true colors. It takes courage and strength to demonstrate humility and a willingness to compromise for the greater good. 

No one wants to be around someone who is self centered and self serving. Leading with authentic concern for others is a choice. It is a rare quality but one that yields a legacy of influence and integrity. 

Choose to lead with genuine humility and care and you will make a difference


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Arlin Sorensen - Farm Boy to Serial Entrepreneur

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Doing the Hard Things


Truths for Success