
My daughter and son in law gave me a choice on my 60th (the new 40….right?) birthday. Both were things that I had never experienced. One was a pedicure and the other was a skydiving trip over the gulf of Mexico. It didn’t take me long to make this choice and we booked our skydive trip.

I can’t explain the feeling of free falling out of a plane over the ocean (tethered  to my instructor Juan). But I can tell you that the perspective from 10,000 feet is amazing. I saw things in a totally different light. I had an unobstructed view for miles and miles. As we parachuted toward the beach, my view changed again. When we landed on the beach my scene was again different.

Many times we think we see with clarity when in actuality we are seeing things from our own perspective. Realizing that there is a bigger picture or a different view from our own, creates the ability to gain understanding and insight. Allowing ourselves permission to listen and truly hear others gives us the opportunity to learn and grow as leaders, as humans.

My skydiving trip was a blast. It was also a reminder that there are incredible sights to see when we look from another person’s point of view. Choose to broaden your perspective and you will make a difference!


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Arlin Sorensen - Farm Boy to Serial Entrepreneur

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Truths for Success


From Farm Boy to Serial Entrepreneur