Just Stop

I hope this week finds you in the chill zone. It’s the perfect down time between the end of 2021 and the beginning of 2022 to slow down and renew your mind and body. I realize that there are those who cannot take off from their jobs but I encourage all of us to find a bit of time to stop, rest and reflect.

It’s been another difficult and ridiculous year and so making time for yourself is even more important than ever. See what happens when you stop scheduling things and allow yourself to just be in the moment. Try going for a walk or reading a good book or catching up with close friends. Take some time to decompress and take a nap.

It sounds simple but it is essential to entering the new year with energy and focus.

Go ahead, give yourself permission to slow down. Choose to use this week to rest and relax and you will make a difference.


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Larry's Keynote at the BuildIT Live Conference 2021

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