It’s Time To Polish

She was going through some stored boxes when she ran across the award. It was the John Phillips Sousa Award given to the outstanding music student in her high school. My friend told me that she noticed that the award looked different than what she remembered — it was tarnished and no longer shined. Then my wise friend said, “It’s just like our relationships... when we don’t pay attention to them, they become tarnished.” 

It is easy to allow ourselves to neglect important relationships in our lives. Maybe it is that we are too busy or perhaps we just don’t want to expend the effort it takes to invest in others. No matter the reason, relationships will not stay strong and healthy without intentionality and work. Putting the needs of those we care about above our own is the foundation for building long-lasting and deep relationships. When both people in a relationship share this philosophy, the results are fulfilling and rewarding. 

What my friend knew was that building and maintaining healthy relationships takes time, energy, and effort. When we neglect those relationships, they become tarnished with hurt, misunderstanding, and even selfishness.

Think about the condition of the relationships in your life. Are they beginning to tarnish? Do they need your attention?

Thank you, Kay, for reminding us of the importance of polishing our relationships. Choose to work on the significant relationships in your life and you will make a difference



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Actions Speak, with Dr. Nick Gillespie

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The Pick-up


“What If” Fear