Flip The Script

I hear that phrase a lot these days. It seems to be the new “catch phrase”. Flipping the script can be a powerful way to change our behavior. I was visiting with a leader who had every opportunity to become a victim. She was going through a difficult season and the easiest thing to do would be to start blaming others. She could have given up and become a victim of her circumstance.

She refused. Instead, she chose to confront her situation, finding ways to walk through the difficult time with determination and perseverance. Don’t mistake this for a feel good story with a happy-ever-after ending. She is still walking through the storm and it is incredibly hard. Things will never be the same. However, she is a survivor who will overcome. Through her journey she is choosing to learn and grow in ways she never knew she could.

For most, life is hard and it is not fair. We cannot control either of those things. We can control how we respond to hard and unfair times. Think about difficult areas in your life where it would be easy to become a victim. Don’t. Choose instead to Flip The Script and you will make a difference.

- Larry

Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Elizabeth Scutchfield - Leading When It’s Uncomfortable

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