Don’t Talk So Much

In my world there are those who talk about growing and learning and then there are those who actually put action behind those words. I was talking with a seasoned executive recently who represents the ladder type of leader. She told me that earlier this year, she had identified a gap area in her life and leadership. She said that she determined to address this area and that it was hard work.

This self-aware and astute leader is choosing to struggle in order to improve. She is willing to identify her gap area and put action to growing as a leader. For her, this looks like holding herself accountable to stop the behavior she does not want to exhibit and actively start a new response to issues that arise each day. She fails. She learns. She changes her behavior. She grows. She overcomes.

Many times, we may allow the fear of failing or of being seen as weak, or as incompetent to stagnate our growth as a leader.  The result is that we hurt those we lead and those we love. We steal from ourselves the ability to lean into leading well.

I have witnessed the growth and results that this executive has experienced over the last year. It has inspired me to do a little less talking and a little more executing concerning the gap areas in my life.

Choose to tackle the gap areas in your life and in your relationships and you will make a difference.

- Larry

Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Crystal Brown - Make It Relevant

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