A or C?

It’s easy to lose focus in today’s whirlwind of pandemics, global crises and political division. We seem to face one hard thing after another. It appears that we are in desperate need of an idea that will help to ease the pain. Perhaps we have simply forgotten who we are and who we are not. I was visiting with a leader recently who told me, “I would rather work with a leader who has a “C” idea and an “A” character than an “A” idea and a “C” character.”

Maybe what we need is not more ideas but more character. What if we led with authentic care and raw courage aimed at serving others? What if we remembered that our leadership is not about us but about others? When we focus inward our world becomes self-serving and selfish. When we choose to help, serve, influence, give, and invest in others it demonstrates our character and leads to positive change.

It is easy to follow the pattern of polarization and judgment. It takes strong character to walk through the storms of life with a consistent focus on the needs of those around us. Let’s start with those we love the most. Offer a kind word, a helping hand or a selfless act. Refuse to allow your circumstances to dictate your behavior.

Choose to be a leader with “A” character and you will make a difference.


Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Tyler Fuqua, in His Own Words

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The American Dream


Outward or Inward?