A Moment from My Heart

I realize and am grateful that a global audience reads this LLM. I recently spoke with a seasoned executive who is living in Singapore. He shared that he uses the LLMs to help facilitate his team’s and his own personal growth. That’s why I take what I write very seriously. Please allow me to share a moment from my heart.

This is a special week for me. It is the week that I will reflect on and offer gratitude for a leader who, in my opinion, is the greatest leader who ever lived. His name is Jesus. I realize that there are many people with different religions and faiths who read this email, and I hold them all in the utmost respect. I don’t want to disparage anyone's beliefs or faith, but I do want to authentically share my reason for looking to Jesus for leadership in my life, personally and professionally.

This week I will celebrate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. I follow Him because I believe He is the answer to who we should aspire to be as leaders. But more importantly, I follow Him because His love is incredible and undeniable in my life.

I celebrate this week not because of my religion or even a church — I celebrate Easter because of the Leader who truly makes a difference in my own life.



Check out our latest episode on the Crossing the Line Podcast:
Meet Demi, with Demi Oluwasina

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Opening My Eyes


Words Are Cheap